Behind the Scenes

Many kids haven't ever had to endure being  homeless. I have. Not the living-in-a-cardboard-box homeless you were just thinking about, but the homeless where you are living out of a suitcase for two months in and out of grandparents' basements and different hotels. That's what happens to me every time we move.

When we move, it always takes time to adjust to the new environment no matter where I am. It may take a few months of culture shock and exploring, like it did when we moved to Korea.

Or, it might just be a day or three of settling in again like this last time we moved to D.C.

One thing though, I have never moved to a place where I didn't end up regretting leaving when it was time to go. I have never moved to a place I didn't love. So remember that on your next move. The world isn't ending; people have invented cell phones and email so you won't lose your friends completely, and you will most definitely learn to love your new home, maybe even more than the one you can't imagine leaving right now. There will always be positives (and if you look for them, they should definitely outweigh the negatives).

Good Luck!
