On Martin Luther King Jr. day, we went to the mall in DC. It is a huge area with all the Smithsonian museums, lots of memorials, big grassy fields, near the White House, and many other amazing things. Here are some of the things we did.
First we walked around to find all the different monuments. We found the
Washington Monument (closed for construction unfortunately),

The WWII monument,

And the Lincoln memorial.

After that on our way to the Smithsonian, we walked through the Vietnam War memorial,

and the White House.
The Smithsonian was awesome! We went to the one on Natural World History and only scratched the surface after an hour! There is so much to explore there!
But my dad's friend got us some tickets to the Washington Wizards vs Sixers basketball game and it was time to head over.

The Wizards dominated the whole game and won.
The whole day was awesome and a great way spend Martian Luther King Jr. day and we will definitely be going again in the very new future.
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